The 4 MAIN factors that will affect your Range. Read this article for a basic understanding of Range.
7/1/20231 min read

Topography, Driving Style, Use of A/C or Heater and Temperature.
Topography- as you go uphill, your vehicle will use more energy. As you go downhill, your vehicle will use less energy.
Driving Style- Electric Vehicles are logical. The faster you drive, the more energy you use. The slower you drive, the less energy you use. Driving on the highway uses A LOT of energy, and will reduce your range.
Use of A/C or Heater- Using the A/C or Heater uses A LOT of energy and will dramatically reduce your range. Using the A/C or Heater will literally burn through your energy.
Temperature- The outside temperature will affect your range. The hotter the outside Temperature the less energy your electric vehicle will use. The colder the outside temperature the more energy your electric vehicle will use. Therefore, in the summer or if you live closer to the equator your range should* increase. Conversely, in the winter or if you live closer to the north or south pole, your range should* decrease. That is normal.
All 4 of these MAIN factors affect Range. Topography, Driving Style, Use of A/C or Heater and Temperature.
Take this advice with a grain of salt. It's not like you will NEVER use the A/C or Heater, or NEVER drive on the highway. It's just that if you are trying to conserve energy and extend your range you will be conscientious of these 4 MAIN factors and make small adjustments.
Happy Driving EVeryone!!!